Brand Innovation Quest ®
Great minds and their stories to inspire, motivate and drive change in your world
PLUS - don’t miss our post - Quest Bootcamps and Labs, to help you build on the Learning Curve of Innovation.
Meet our Founders, Evangelists and Brand Innovators ..... MORE SPEAKERS TO BE ADDED!
Innovation is no longer just about the product or service, but companies as a whole. The future will belong to the agile and lean as well as the platforms and ecosystems they empower. Brands give new products and services meaning and guidance. The brand allows ownership of the innovation, adds credibility and legitamacy, enhances visibility and supports communication. Companies in every industry and every country face disruption in every aspect of their business today. From designing, making and marketing products and services to recruiting and retaining the right talent, constant change is no longer the exception but the rule. Join us to envision what the company of the future will be like and how companies today can achieve the transformation they need if they are to continue to flourish.
Can't make the full day event on June 8th - Join us the evening of June 7th @ 1871!
$29 BUY NOWIncludes Reception at 1871 on June 7th, 6:00 PM as well as full day ticket for June 8th at UI Labs
$229 Buy NowStudents, Teachers, Professors encouraged. Limited number available. Please present student ID or Academic Credentials at the door.
$99 Buy NowNot afraid to be first. Get the Early Bird Rate. Includes reception event on June 7th @ 1871
$199 Good through 5-22-2018 Closed